News ID: 3510
Publish Date : 20 January 2019 - 09:32

Congress Should have a Result in Foreign Investment

In recent years auto industry saw different congress with big names but people think that these congresses didn’t have result and they are a way to make money for holders and a place for governmental officials to speak.
Khodrocar – In recent years many congresses held all over the country about the economy and industry but people think that they don’t have result for them and the country.

Most people expect to see results of many congresses which are hold every year and international congress of auto industry is one of them and due to the sanctions Iranian and few Chinese companies would participate in this year congress however this congress had no result in the past 5 years.

We shouldn’t forget that economy of Iran is facing with sanctions but this is not new for our government so it is expected that officials and holders of the congress who are proud for the past contracts with Renault, Citroen, Benz and even Peugeot made the contracts better for days like today.

According to what has published about the science of Iran, people expect to see result of these sciences in auto industry and prevent challenges for Iranian cars.

Now the condition seems that international congress of auto industry should be a way to make automakers believe that they can produce new products leaning on domestic technical knowhow these products should be good for middle people to buy and also clear the believe about the result less from people mind.

"Holding conferences like auto industry congress should gather famous producers from all over the world and increase production power, customer and market to make logical investments in Iran.” Abdolah Babaei, expert of auto industry told khodrocar reporter.

"It should be noted that the holding of the conference and the achievement of output are inevitable due to conditions that are calm, proper and far from the sanction and atmosphere of the sanctions, because international and foreign companies are quickly pushing for sanctions.” He added.

"In the current situation and political condition of economy and industry affairs it seems that international cooperation should be focus on technical sections to have better results.” Babaei said.  "Speech of mangers in auto industry won’t have result in a couple years but in take more time to have result.”

"Managers of automakers who speak in congresses are talking about their goals and rules but because of non-standard condition the result would be in long time.” He said.

"Any challenges will change the route of an industry and make problem for it so responsibility of congresses should be solving problems.” He continued.

"In past years congress should had a vision about the non-standard days to prevent any challenges in auto industry. Next time talks should be about the crisis time then all activists in auto industry should think about the technical knowhow, part making, university and producing science.” He said.

"The articles and projects provided by automakers are entirely based on the goals and views of the management of the collection, but outside of this procedure, if a company wants to offer a specific project in the industry, it will be another way. If a study, an achievement and a project are presented collegiately and individually, this research will be examined at the research centers of major automobile companies and then will be implemented.” He added.

Answering the question of whether these conferences are a popular look among the people that the automaker does not seek to promote knowledge through Iranian student and researcher, despite the fact that it has been announced on a frequent basis that an Iranian designer It has been offered to domestic automobile companies but has not been accepted and has been used by international companies. Will fix? Said: "This issue can be solved by the relationship between the university and the automotive industry and should not be based on the relationship of the person with the automotive industry to the resolution of these problems, because in the relationship with the automobile industry, personal and personal behavior will be impacted and will work." it changes. The automotive industry is linked to universities, but this connection has to be strengthened more than ever.

Khodrocar Reporter: Amir Hossein Lavasani

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani